• Ease Your Body

    Tools, encouragement and support to inhabit your mom body with ease and love.

    Mother hugging her young son, feeling strong in her body and heart

    Learn 6 whole body cues to support postpartum healing.

    Free, start right now.


    Actionable and impactful exercises for your body and heart.


    Rebalance your body

    Connect to your heart

    Create more energy in your life in 20 minutes a day.


    Sign me up now.


    A collage of different women who could benefit from the Mothership Challenge

    Daily guided practice to connect and rebalance body and heart

    Next round starts Sept 21st, 2020


    Master the basic skills needed to rebalance common muscular imbalances after pregnancy and connect in to your own deep knowing so that you can be mom your way.


    Rebalance your body

    Connect to your heart

    Create more energy in your life.


    Learn more here.


    Signing up for Whole Body Whole Heart is a perfect introduction

    A lioness stretching her back

    Article about a way to make your release work waaaay more effective

    Release can be amazingly helpful for rebalancing our bodies, and there are ways that you can approach it that make it a waste of your time. Don't waste your time.


    Click here for more details

    Mother hugging her young son

    Article that lays it all out, why and what you can do about it.

    It is soooooo common for moms to struggle with chronic sore backs. But why and what can be done about it?

    Read it here.



    Cover of ebook with a mother looking overwhelmed, book is about how to ask  for help

    Your pelvic floor: What to train first, strength or suppleness?

    Free worksheet.

    Did you know that if you leak urine or have prolapse symptoms jumping right into kegels or strengthening practices might not be the answer to resolving those issues?


    Some will need to train strength first and some will need to train suppleness first and then strength. Go here and learn what your pelvic floor needs first.

    Woman with incontinence sneezing and leaking urine

    Article with an actionable experiment

    Try something new. It might just make a difference. Go here

    Mother with Diastasis Recti showing what it looks like


    Are you doing these two things? If you are and have a Diastasis Recti then you could be on the path to healing it in no time.

    Go here.

    Cover of ebook with a mother looking overwhelmed, book is about how to ask  for help

    Free resource with checklists, templates and ideas.

    Your body and brain need a lot of rest in the first month or two postpartum and the best way to make that happen is to ask for help. Sometimes that can be hard to navigate so here is a guide of things you can ask for that you maybe haven't thought of, email templates for doing the asking, and ways to tactfully ask for a different kind of help from someone who is already "helping". Go here.

    Mother writing a list of steps to get strong after childbirth

    Free big picture resource.

    Feeling wobbly and weak? Here is a step by step action plan so you can avoid mistakes and confusion and get strong ASAP! Go here.