• Rebalance your body

    Connect to your heart

    Create more energy in your life in 20 minutes a day.


    Whole Body

    Whole Heart Challenge


    5 days of reconnecting movement for moms


    June 22-26, 2020

  • You may have only been a mother now for a little while or you may have been a mom for 20 years, but no matter where you are on that journey, it is harder that you expected, isn't it?

    Aside from the criminal amount of sleep deprivation in the early days (that will literally make you crazy, so go easy on yourself!) and all sorts of hormonal and physical changes that leave you feeling exhausted, there is the whole issue with babies and children not coming with manuals.


    Everyone has an opinion though don't they? It can be hard to know who to believe (hint: only you know what's right for your family) and decide what your family needs.


    If only you could really know and not second guess yourself.

    You look around at other moms and they all have an opinion about everything. It can be super exhausting.


    The other thing is that your body did a huge thing (Childbirth, pregnancy, possibly nursing, not to mention the parenting! Whew!) Everything feels different than it did before, and while there are some opinions available on how to recover it's almost like the health care system just doesn't care a whit about you now that the baby is born.


    What is even normal? Am I supposed to feel this way?


    Being everything for your baby or child can be challenging when you feel so loosey goosey and jelly like!


    How are you supposed to do all the parenting things, AND feed yourself, clean yourself and keep the house running? And if you have more than one child, it's an even bigger challenge.

  • Here are some signs you need to

    connect to your body and heart.

    • You are exhausted all the time, like really, all the time
    • You don't have a plan to get your physical core connected you are just trying to take it easy till 6 weeks rolls around and you can go back to climbing and biking.  Please do yourself a favour and do some reconnection work first!
    • You are years out from pregnancy and still feel unstable or unhappy with your body.
    • You're full of anxiety about whether you are doing this mom thing right.
    • You pee your pants when you laugh, cough, jump or run
    • You have prolapse, diastasis recti, hernia's 
    • It feels like it's hard to get a full breath.
    • Your body is hurting, maybe it's your lower back,  your hips, your wrists or your neck

  • Any of that sound like you?


    Most moms don't think much about connecting and caring for themselves, they get so wrapped up in taking care of everyone else, sometimes for years, until they feel awful and confused.

  • It's OK! I get it and I'm here to help!

    I've been exactly where you are, and I want you to avoid my mistakes!


    If you want to get started on connecting to your heart and rebalancing your body, I've got you.


    This, Whole Body, Whole Heart challenge: 5 days of movement for moms, is going to help you start to feel confident and grounded in your choices and start unravelling the physical impacts of pregnancy and childbirth so you can get strong from the inside out.


    The exercises you learn are about releasing, reconnecting and rebalancing the body. They can be used over and over to reprogram your body and your brain and ideally you will bring them into your daily life so that they influence how you pick that toy up off the floor so that you are building strength not pain in your body.


    You are also completely in charge. If a movement is hard, only do it as long as feels right for you. If you are super sore the next day you have overdone it. So don't be shy about working at your own difficulty level.


    In Whole Body, Whole Heart: Five days of movement for moms you will practice:

    • Deep listening to your inner knowing.  It doesn't have to be all woo woo but it can be if that's your thing.
    • The very beginning foundational core reconnection practices, if you miss these it's like trying to build a house on a bog.
    • Release work to unravel some unhelpful postural changes that have taken hold through pregnancy and childbirth.
    • Making the choice every day to show up for yourself, care for yourself and listen.  It's shocking what a difference a small amount of time can make.

    Plus, you will have my support during the challenge to answer questions and help with motivation.

  • Practice whole body, whole heart connection, and your body and soul will have the confidence, coordination and awareness you need to be mom, your way.

  • Here is how 'Whole Body Whole Heart' works

    1. In the week leading up to the challenge you will get a couple of emails to get you ready for the challenge.


    2. The first day of the challenge, you will get the first of your five day challenge emails. It will include a combination of body connection and heart connection exercises.


    3. Once you have done them (20 minutes max) give yourself a pat on the back a high five or a nap :) Carry on being the beautiful badass mom that you are till the next day when your second email arrives and you do it all again.


    4. Questions, celebrations, complaints, commitments and sharing are strongly encouraged, I want to know what is going on for you and how the challenge is feeling. It helps me make the next challenge even better and it makes you more likely to come back again the next day because you have some accountability and I'm rooting for you. There will always be a prompt on each email to hit reply and share, please do! Your sharing will go directly to me and I will respond. You don't have to do this alone.


    6. After 5 days you will be feeling more connected to your body and heart. Which is a pretty sweet place to be. And you will have experienced a little taste of what my paid Mothership challenge is like. This free challenge is a window into the longer program, which takes you more in depth into getting your core breathing, shoulders, feet and hips working properly. It also hooks you up with more interaction with me, the other awesome participants, and specific troubleshooting. I will talk about it a bit during the challenge but the challenge is NOT a sales pitch for the course. 99% of our time will be focused on learning and exploring.


    7. To make it even better, everyone who completes the challenge and hits reply on the emails to share, will be entered into a draw for one of 2 prizes. A free spot in the Mothership course that starts May 4th or a $40 amazon gift card. Just a little extra motivation for you to keep doing it!

    Dates and times

    Next challenge is June22-26th, 2020.

    The email will show up in your inbox in the wee hours of the morning Pacific time.


    You can do your challenge exercises anytime during the day that you want, but I encourage you to pick the same time every day to make it easier to remember. Each part of the work is only 5ish minutes so, you can also do it in 5 minute chunks spread throughout your day.


    Can't follow along in real time? No Problem. You will get a copy of all the emails and exercises and can move through them at your own pace. I do recommend keeping up with us if you can because it helps with motivation.


    Gentle heart, connected body.

    Your brain and heart have such a huge impact on your physical body. If you have been feeling betrayed or let down by your body, it can be so easy to fall into an adversarial or angry mindset with our bodies or just completely disconnect. To make change and healing we need a gentle and connected approach. I use these exercises with my coaching clients and myself when I need to get connected. They all feel really good. Some are movement based and some are journalling or meditation based.


  • June 22-26th, 2020

    Take action now...

  • This challenge is the perfect kick start for me to take my body (and my connection to it) more seriously, and give myself the time I deserve. -WBWH participant

    Thank you for putting on this challenge. It feels like it is just what I need right now. -WBWH participant

  • FAQ's

    What if I am super busy?

    It will only take you 15-20 minutes to do, and if you need to you can do each part spread out over the day which means 5 minute windows are all you need. The easiest way for me to do these type of things though is to pick a time or a placement in my day that stays the same and just make the time.


    You can do it, I know you can.


    Many of the heart connection pieces are clarifying, which can actually free up some time and energy in your day, so it feels less hectic and more nourishing.

    What if I can't keep up?

    That is OK. While it's great to go through with a group, and gain the benefits of group motivation, you can go at your own pace. I also give you the weekend to catch up if you have your eye on the prizes. In any case, the emails will be there waiting patiently, for at least a month.

    What if I have diastasis recti, a c section scar, incontenence, or prolapse?

    Everything in this challenge is A OK for you. If you had your baby yesterday I would recommend that you just chill for a bit and rest as much as you can, because that is what your body needs. Other than that unless you have pain or symptoms when you do the exercises they are appropriate and if you do notice anything, shoot me a message and we can figure out what is going on.

    What if my last child was born years ago?

    It may seem like a lost cause if it has been many years of ongoing issues, but the body is extremely adaptable, so it's never too late. Even if you are convinced you need an operation, doing this work can make the operation not needed or make the operation more effective and your recovery quicker.

    Will this be all that I need?

    This is a wonderful place to start and it takes time to retrain the deep core system after giving birth and develop habits of trusting your deep knowing. It took nine months or more to get you where you are now, it will take some time to unravel those changes and the fastest way to do that is get started now.


    What I am sharing in this free challenge is not the whole picture. I find it takes people a while to grow awareness of what is actually happening. It also takes time and exploration to figure out what the magic bullet is for your body.


    Engage with the free challenge and if you like it, come join me in the paid Mothership Challenge that starts after this free challenge, you won't be disappointed.


    What if I have never had a baby but think it may help me?

    This is absolutely relevant to anyone who wants to connect in with their body and get their core and hips working more efficiently. Some of the heart conversation prompts may not land as they are, but can easily be modified to work for anyone. You are welcome to join us.


    You know you want it!

    Join, June 22-26th, 2020